Tutor Training

Tutor Training is for those with experience of sign-supported communication who wish to train others. This course is not just about teaching vocabulary but developing the necessary skills to access and perform all of our vocabulary.

Most training occurs at our training centre in Norwich, however we will deliver courses anywhere subject to a minimum of 4 participants. Training will be delivered by an experienced Senior Tutor over 4 consecutive days. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 6 to ensure all trainees receive significant supervision and support.

Online training is delivered using ZOOM and usually limited to 4 to participants. We have amended our timetable to include additional activities, the use of break out rooms and sufficient breaks to avoid eye fatigue. 

Please note - Full Foundation status is not automatically guaranteed. Occasionally some trainees do not manage to complete all aspects of the course and may be offered Registered status. The trainee will be allocated a mentor who is a Registered Foundation Tutor in their area to provide guidance and support. When the trainee is ready to deliver their first Foundation course, the mentor will be available to co-tutor if required and subject to the outcome, may then become a Registered Foundation Tutor. 

Who May Become a Signalong Tutor?

Anyone with experience of sign-supported communication in a learning difficulty or autism environment. We prefer trainees to have completed a Signalong Foundation course*, but we understand that this is not always possible. However, trainees must be familiar with the way that the Signalong vocabulary is presented, and will be given a copy of the Signalong Basic Vocabulary Phase 1 manual, which forms the basis of the course. Anyone beginning the training without having studied the manual will have great difficulty and may not be able to complete the course. If you are not sure that your experience is sufficient please ring us to discuss this. We reserve the right to exclude anyone from the course who does not demonstrate the required familiarity with the Signalong approach – this is a course for those who wish to train others, not for beginners.   

* NOW OFFERING FAST TRACK FOUNDATION course for those not familiar with Signalong

What Does the Course Entail?

During the course, Signalong methodology is explored, elements of language development are discussed and participants have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of teaching techniques and theory by preparing and delivering several presentations. You will explore all aspects of communication before learning about the history, philosophy & methodology of Signalong. Following this, you will look at who can benefit from using a sign-supported communication system and referencing the link between real objects to sign using core vocabulary. We will also cover generalisation, key words and symbolic understanding.

Trainees are given constant feedback and are actively encouraged to question all areas of the course content. Trainees are continually assessed and include completion of a Signalong Training Manual and conclude with a 1:1 Tutorial.  

What Training Can Signalong Tutors Offer?

On registration, Tutors can deliver a range of training including topic-based Workshops, Introductory and Foundation courses, Foundation Extension, Signalong Training Assistant (STAs) and Signalong for Learners. Tutors are not constrained by the charity as to where and to whom they may offer their services. While most Signalong courses are developed around the Basic Vocabulary Phase 1 manual, any vocabulary can be used according to the requirements of the environment.  Provided that the elements of Signalong are taught, these courses will be recognised by the charity. 

How Do Tutors Maintain Their Skills?

Registration is continuous  and Tutors must deliver training to maintain Foundation Tutor status and attend regional conferences at different locations at least once every 2 years. The conference will include Skills Workshops to ensure the quality of training is upheld. 

Can Tutors Provide Higher Level Training?

Experienced Tutors can offer a course based on Signalong Basic Vocabulary Phase 2, which develops skills introduced in a Foundation course (it is not necessary for the Tutor to restrict training to either Phase 1 for Foundation or Phase 2 for further development).   

What Support Do Signalong Tutors Receive?

Tutors have unlimited access to the Sign Library and a closed area of the Signalong website which is a Tutor and member forum.  Here you will find all course administration forms and free downloadable resources. You will also be able to purchase resources specifically developed for Tutors to enhance their training delivery. Substantial discounts are given on manuals bought for training courses, and Tutors also receive 10% discount on publications for their own use and their establishment. Tutors can also vote at the Signalong AGM. Specific training issues can also be discussed in confidence with the office. 

What Will It Cost?

Tutors are required to pay an annual registration fee, £200 + v.a.t. (subscription included until the next registration period in course fee), register training courses and attend a Regional Conference every 2 years (this is included in the registration). 


Venue Self- funding Professionals Professional Self- funding Parents or Unwaged












£ 1045



Signalong are now able to offer the following discounts*:

More than 1 participant from the same organisation 5%

3- 4 participants from the same organisation 10%

5 and over participants from the same organisation 15%

Charitable organisations with a turnover of less than £250,000 will receive 10% discount  (Please note this must be supported in your company accounts at the Charities Commission)

* applies to invoices paid on receipt

Tutor Training Dates

2025 Dates

May 20th - 23rd (1 place remaining)

June 17th - 20th NORWICH (2 places remaining)

            July 8th - 11th ZOOM

 for further information please contact tracygoode@signalong.org.uk